Renew your body, your health and your life.

Transform yourself in just 12-weeks. Become empowered with education and 1-on-1 support so you can look and feel your best.

Free Yourself From:

Embrace Transformation

Heal Your Digestive Problems

Learn how to heal bloating, cramping, candida, constipation, and any other digestive problem by using Marie’s 120+ recipes and 12-weeks of meal plans.

A Taste of...

Discover Hidden Allergies & Imbalances

Discover the truth about your health issues by testing yourself for food intolerances, imbalances and allergies.

“Hair mineral analysis reveal and explains the causes of many health symptoms and disease, whose underlying causes are largely related to nutritional deficiencies, mineral imbalances and heavy metal and chemical toxicity” – Dave Asprey

Build A Strong, Toned & Balanced Body

Build life-long positive habits and learn how to master the fundamentals of building a strong, toned and balanced body (no equipment necessary). Start with the Mat Pilates Daily Challenge or spend time outside with the Walking Program.

PIlates, Pfilates, Props

Feel Supported & Increase Your Confidence

There are two ways you can transform yourself, the fast way and the slow way. Having personalized support and coaching is the fast way. This 12-week program includes 6 individual 1-on-1 sessions with Marie by video chat (Zoom).  Priceless knowledge, motivation and emotional support.

Track & Measure Your Progress

Record your daily progress and see the positive results for yourself. The ReNEWU Daily Transformation Journal includes 84-days of individual entries. This will be long enough for you to build life-long positive habits. Your next 12 weeks will be an amazing transformation if you trust the process, embrace the changes and be persistent.

The Positive Results you can expect

Lifelong Positive Habits

1-2 lbs of weight-loss per week

Fully body gentle cleansing and detoxing

Increased mental clarity and positive emotions

Confidence with day-to-day decision making

Well rounded education with health and fitness

Register for your 12-Week ReNEWU Program

Total Investment: €480


Hair Mineral Analysis Test

How does it work?

As your hair grows, it forms a permanent record of your body’s nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

You will cut a tablespoon of scalp hair from various locations.  No need to disturb your hair style!  Scalp hair is most accurate. Hair from other areas of the body can be submitted, but it comes at the expense of the results being less accurate.

Marie will help you receive a proper envelope, and send it to the lab.

The laboratory will analyze your hair and send results in about 14-days from the day you sent your sample.

You will then schedule a consultation with Marie to go over your results!

What are you waiting for?  You could discover something that drastically improves your health…


Standing: Standing tall wrap your the hands around your ribs. Place your thumb to the back body and fingers to the front midline of the ribcage.

Movement: Inhale through the nose filling up the lungs while expanding the backs and sides of the rib cage. The rib cage will expand and you hands will move apart. Exhale through your mouth deflating the lungs. Visualize a softening or melting of the ribs under your fingers.

Mindfulness: Shoulders are relaxed. Avoid shrugging the shoulders toward the ears.Feel the air flow through the body as you inhale and exhale continue to feel width through the front body or collar bones


1-0n-1 Coaching With Marie

Is 1-on-1 coaching necessary?

Getting to a place where you are confident with your body, your diet, your energy levels, is very difficult at the beginning.  Once you create forward momentum, the rest of the way is like riding a bike downhill! 

1-on-1 coaching is for people who feel like there is so much work left between them now, and their health goals in the future.  There is no obstacle too large to stop you from reaching your goals, but there could be years of time in your way.  Having someone who has walked the path will drastically speed up your results from years to months.  

Every healthy, full-of-life person has had a mentor in the past, whether their parents, a friend or a professional. 

Release your restrictions and register for ReNEWU with personalized support.  Marie will work with you to schedule sessions and give you anything you need to put you on the fast track to becoming your ideal-self. 

ReNEWU 12-Week Program Registration

After you submit this registration form, I will contact you as soon as possible to schedule your first coaching session, organized payment and send you an envelope so you can send in a sample of hair for you hair analysis test. Payments are only accepted after I have approved your registration.

Pilates Teacher Training Registration

I will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your registration, schedule your first 1-on-1 session and organize payment. Payments are only accepted after I have approved your registration.

Health Disclaimer

This website ( contains the opinions and ideas of Marie Hayden and is designed to provide useful information in regard to the subject matter covered. This website is not intended to provide a basis for action in particular circumstances without consideration by a competent professional. Marie Hayden disclaims any responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents on this website.

Intermittent Fasting Disclaimer

People with advanced diabetes or who are on medications for diabetes, people with a history of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, and pregnant or breastfeeding women should not attempt intermittent fasting unless under the close supervision of a licensed physician.

Contact Marie Hayden